When you are clear with the logic behind every formula, solving any kind of problem becomes easier. If you are perfect with all the below-mentioned formulas in Maths for Class 9 are listed chapter-wise, nothing can stop you from scoring maximum marks in the final examination.


Geometry Shapes Formulas for Class 9
Geometric FigureAreaPerimeter
RectangleA= l × w

Here, l= length and w= breadth

P = 2 × (l+w )
TriangleA = (1⁄2) × b × h

Here, b= base and h= height

P = a + b + c

Here, a,b,c are the sides of the triangle

TrapezoidA = (1⁄2) × h × (b1+ b2)

Here, b1, b2 are length of parallel sides of trapezoid.

P = a + b + c + d

a,b,c,d are the sides of the trapezoid

ParallelogramA = b × h

Here, b= base and h= height

P = 2 (a+b)

a and b are the sides of the parallelogram

CircleA = π r2

Here, r= radius of cicle

C = 2 π r


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